Welcome to Eco-Bottle

You're here because you hold an Eco-Bottle AVE.

By holding this bottle in your hands, you're not just choosing a reusable and responsible product, but also directly contributing to reforestation projects we lead in Venezuela, Brazil, and Colombia.

Tree planting in western Venezuela.

Reforestation process carried out in the western region of Venezuela, where members of the foundation and local volunteers planted various tree species. Our goal is to restore biodiversity in the chosen area and ensure resource availability for local communities.

Mangrove restoration on the Colombian coast.

The mangrove planting carried out on the Colombian coast in partnership with "Save the Mangrove." This initiative aims to protect and restore mangroves, ecosystems essential for marine wildlife conservation and coastal protection.

we work hand in hand with coastal communities to ensure the survival of these species and promote sustainable practices in the area.

Through the purchase of our Eco-Bottle, you contribute to the planting of over 5000 Araucaria angustifolia, a tree endemic to southern Brazil.

Urubici, located in the state of Santa Catarina, became the site of our Proyecto AVE Biological Station in 2024. From this strategic location, we are coordinating the planting efforts for the critically endangered Araucaria angustifolia, a tree of immense ecological significance and under severe threat of extinction.

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Our partner and ally in Brazil

With 25 years of a solid working relationship and friendship, we are now able to expand our reforestation efforts to a third country. Yhosmer Rangel, an expert in bio-construction and organic farming, is the key figure leading our operations in Santa Catarina.

He carries the responsibility for this new phase, which not only involves tree planting but also the construction of our third Biological Station. This space has been designed to promote knowledge of biodiversity and foster environmental conservation.

Press conference:

Fabián Passarielo, director of the Proyecto AVE Foundation, explains how, from Luxembourg, he promotes reforestation plans in Venezuela, Colombia, and Brazil through Eco-Bottle and other environmental initiatives, fostering ecosystem restoration and regional sustainability.

Join More Positive Actions

In addition to adopting a tree through the purchase of our Eco-Bottles, explore our line of sustainable products and help us continue creating a positive impact. Every purchase supports our conservation initiatives and ensures that together we leave a green legacy.